Part of the beauty of nature is the diverse creatures you get to see when you are outside. Birds singing in trees, squirrels munching on nuts, and raccoons wandering through the woods are all wonderful sights to witness. Sometimes, you may even see these creatures pass through your yard. However, they may accidentally find their way into your home and cause trouble.
Learning wildlife prevention methods is essential for both the safety of the critters and your family. Here are some helpful wildlife prevention tips to follow:
- Close off Access Points. You may be surprised to learn how some animals can pass through the smallest gaps. If you notice any cracks in your home’s structure, make sure to close these off. Additionally, secure doggy doors, chimneys, windows, and vents as these are other entry points for wild animals.
- Secure Your Trash Cans. Raccoons are often known for rummaging through garbage cans to find a snack for the night. Their attempts to get into your trash cans can lead to spills that attract even more pests. To avoid this issue, secure your trash cans with a lock or bungee cord.
- Store Pet Bowls Inside. Wild creatures may find your pet’s leftovers mouthwatering. If you often leave your pet’s bowls outdoors, storing them inside may reduce the chances of critters coming to your home to scavenge for food and water.
Has a wild critter infiltrated your home? Call our team today to learn how we can help you with wildlife prevention and removal.