Do You Know These Signs of Raccoon Infestation?

HomeBlogDo You Know These Signs of Raccoon Infestation?

It’s no secret that the raccoons in your neighborhood can be fun to watch from afar. Not only do they play and scuttle around, but they can sometimes seem to interact in playful ways. Unfortunately, these wild animals are also wily creatures, and they can set up shop in your home without your knowledge. How do you know if you have a raccoon infestation?

Do You Know These Signs of Raccoon Infestation?

  • Persistent Excrement Smell. One indicator of a raccoon infestation is the persistent smell of urine or feces. While raccoons are hibernating during the winter, they only travel a short distance to relieve themselves. That means they’ve made your home their personal toilet! If there is a strong odor that you can’t seem to get rid of, you may have an issue with raccoons.
  • Nocturnal Noises. Raccoons are nocturnal animals, meaning they like to stay up into the wee hours of the night. Just as you are trying to lay your head on the pillow, you might start hearing them scratch, scuffle, and squeak as they begin their evening prowl.
  • Odd Pet Behavior. Many times, our pets will know if there is something amiss before we do. If you notice that your pets are acting strangely or keep returning to a specific location in your home, you should trust their instincts! Check for a raccoon infestation and call for removal right away.
  • Damage to Your Home. In order for raccoons to enter our homes, they will often cause damage to the gutters, siding, or roofing as they create their entry and exit point. If you notice that these outside parts of your home are continuously in disarray, it could indicate that raccoons are making their way in and out.

If you have a suspected or confirmed raccoon infestation, make sure to give us a call at Wild Science Solutions for raccoon removal services. We are equipped to help you take back your home!